Headshot - Nicole Jenelle.JPG

(Ni-Cole Swat-ton, she/her)

  • Brooke Owens Fellow, Class of 2021

  • Arizona State University, Electrical Engineering, ‘23

  • Host Institution: Millennium Space Systems

  • Mentor: Laurie Abadie

  • Brookie Mentor: Jenna Foertsch

Nicole Swatton is studying electrical engineering with a focus in solar energy at Arizona State University ('23).

Nicole has a large passion for solar energy which led to her research in silicon wafer manufacturing through the QESST Solar Labratory at Arizona State. As she continued to dive deeper into the solar world, she was offered an internship at the NASA Glenn Research Center as a Photovoltaic Device Testing Intern. There she worked on a spaceflight project that will be launched with the lunar lander and conducted extensive research into electrodynamic dust shields for solar applications. Outside of her fascinating work life, Nicole has been a crucial member in many space design challenge competitions including the NASA L'Space Proposal Writing Evaluation and Experience Academy and the NASA Glenn University Student Design Challenge. She has helped in over tripling the amount of undergraduates within her universities' IEEE chapter and is an Ambassador for the School of Electrical Engineering at Arizona State University.

Nicole hopes to help contribute to the exciting photovoltaic development and research being conducted within the aerospace industry. She plans to get a graduate degree in materials science and is excited for her academic future. Nicole also dreams to one day become an astronaut.

Nicole is also passionate about providing resources on scholarships and college application information to young women and minorities. She does this through her TikTok and Instagram accounts. Outside of her social media work, she enjoys singing and playing guitar. She also enjoys fitness which includes heavy lifting and long hikes!