Anna Voelker "Science Access: Making Space for All"

By the Ohio State University

Featuring Anna Voelker, 2018 Brooke Owens Fellow

Anna Voelker, the Astronomy Accessibility Program Coordinator at The Ohio State University, shares her experience with bringing accessibility to science and the SciAccess Conference at OSU, a conference dedicated to promoting disability inclusion and diversity in STEAM.

The Ohio State University: Anna Voelker received her BS in science communication and accessibility from Ohio State in 2018. She is currently the Coordinator of Ohio State’s Astronomy Accessibility Program and Chair of the Astronomers Without Borders Accessibility and Inclusion Working Group. She is the Director of SciAccess, a conference dedicated to promoting disability inclusion and diversity in STEAM. Anna was previously a visiting fellow at the International Astronomical Union’s Office of Astronomy for Development, headquartered at the South African Astronomical Observatory. She is also a Brooke Owens Fellow and has worked at a variety of space science institutions, including NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, NASA Kennedy Space Center, the Space Telescope Science Institute and the Aerospace Corporation. She is a recipient of the 2018 Ohio State President’s Prize, the university’s highest recognition bestowed on exceptional students committed to social change.